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5 Ways Wagmo Makes Dog Parenting Easier and Cheaper

ByBeatrice WilterDec 18, 2023

My dog Jakes is truly like a member of my family. I don’t know what I’d do without him. Without the long walks around the neighborhood, snuggling on the couch, and, of course, all of the slobbery kisses, my life would not be complete.

So it only makes sense that I’d want to make sure Jakes stays healthy and happy and well looked after. Yearly vet visits are a must, as well as proper grooming, vaccinations, and tests. But routine care is expensive and isn’t covered by insurance.

Then I discovered Wagmo’s Wellness Plans, which reimburses you for the care I was already providing. Here are five reasons why I signed up besides saving me a ton of money. Hopefully, Wagmo can do the same for you.

1. Get reimbursed for routine pet care like vet visits, grooming, vaccines, and more!

Unlike pet insurance, Wagmo Wellness plans reimburse you for the routine care that you already do for your pet. This includes your annual vet visit, grooming, and vaccines, as well as routine bloodwork, fecal tests, and more. I never want to skimp on preventative care for Jakes and now with Wagmo, I don’t have to!

2. Find a plan that makes sense for you and your pup with different options to suit your needs

Pet care is not one size fits all, so I love that Wagmo has different plan options to suit different needs. Plans start at just $20 per month, which gives you up to $350 in reimbursements per year and reimburses you for your annual vet visit, vaccinations, bloodwork, and fecal test. They also offer a Deluxe plan that reimburses you up to $1,100 per year for your furry friend that needs a bit of extra attention with more trips to the groomer or dentist.

For Jakes, I decided to go with the Classic Plan for $39 per month, which gives me up to $650 in yearly reimbursements for grooming, flea, tick, and heartworm medication, urinalysis, and much more. I also get access to VETalk, which is their telehealth platform that lets me chat with vet experts at any time, since I never know what weird thing Jakes will eat next.

3. Choose how you want your reimbursements delivered and get it fast

This is definitely not old-school pet insurance. Is it weird that I’m excited that I can be reimbursed via Venmo? You can also choose to be paid via PayPal or bank transfer. No need to wait around for a check in the mail. Wagmo says it processes all wellness claims within 24 hours but when I submitted a claim, I got reimbursed in less than an hour!

4. Stick with the vet you know and love (and your dog groomer, too!)

With Wagmo, one of the biggest factors was that I could choose my own vet. We love our vet and it would have been a real bummer if we had to search for another one. Thankfully, Wagmo lets you use whatever licensed vet, or dog groomer, you want and there’s no waiting period. You can sign up and start getting reimbursed right away!

5. Pay for only the protection you need with Wagmo Wellness and Insurance offered separately

Wagmo offers Wellness and Insurance protection separately so you only pay for what you need. While you can certainly pair the two plans together, I decided I only needed Wellness, for now, to help get reimbursed for all of Jakes’s routine care and maintenance. I love that I can choose to start with one plan and if I change my mind later, I can always add on the insurance.

The Takeaway

Wagmo was the right move. Now, I am even more confident that I am truly loving and caring for Jakes in the absolute best way possible. I’m saving so much time and money with Wagmo, I can splurge on more fun treats and toys for Jakes and enjoy a ton more slobbery kisses!